Saturday, March 26, 2011

Amazing Weekend-Thank You

Last weekend I had the distinct pleasure of a whirlwind weekend in Dallas. The purpose of my trip was to spend time with some of my favorite people in the world and given the sadness I felt driving away, I knew it was indeed a successful time.

My weekend began with a four hour drive from Houston to Dallas. Heading down the highway with the sun peering through my windows, great tunes blaring through my stereo and the biggest smile on my face, I couldn't help but thank God for some alone time to think/pray and just give thanks. It has been a whirlwind eight months since my first return from East Africa and God has been doing things that have  propelled me to the mountaintop and allowed things that have kept me in the valley. Through the vast ocean of uncertainty with where and what He is calling me to do, I have seen and experienced His provision and love in ways that just don't seem measurable when putting to words. Nonetheless, lets just say, He is mighty, He is faithful and when He says move, well, He pretty much means it. More to come on this in the future...

Upon arrival in Dallas, I quickly unloaded my bags at my sweet bestie Rachel's house (sadly Rachel and family were out of town but gifted me with their home for the weekend) and headed to spend quality time with my best friend, her hubby, and some of their incredible friends. Kids running in and out of the house, food grilling and laughter flowing, all while relaxing on the porch swing-I'm really not sure what can be better than that. There is so much beauty in the simplicity of life and it is moments like that, looking around at the sheer joy in each others company, which simply take my breath away. I could have sat on that porch swing with her all night long.

The next morning I headed out to Arlington to spend the day with my sister from another mother, her hubby and my favorite Ethiopian princess

Little did I know that the gift of spending time with them wasn't the only thing in store for me. In addition, I would be blessed by meeting new friends When you have time, I encourage you to read through some of their journey and the incredible impact both families, through God's grace, are trying to make in the world and Africa.

Again, a day filled with joy, laughter, smiles and celebration of their sweet son Abe's third birthday. To be honest, now that I am home, I miss the chaos of family life. Single-life is highly overrated and the selfishness that often surrounds just worrying about self is nothing compared to the love and joy that encompasses family-life. I would trade places in a heartbeat!

That evening the Hoffmans and I headed out to a mutual friends wedding in Ft Worth. I love weddings. I do. I admit it. I am a sappy, romantic, love celebrations and I do's kind of girl. But this wedding was even more special to me, because it brought together some people that have impacted my life in ways they probably don't even know they have.

All of us that knew each other there have served in Africa together. We have been in the trenches. We have prayed together, wept together, laughed together. We have seen devastation. We have seen beauty. We have bonded for life. Each of them is so precious to me, and so amazing in their own ways. Some of them have the power to encourage just with a smile. Some of them speak words that I believe could bring peace to a restless nation. Some of them have a way of making you laugh so hard your sides ache. Some of them light up a room simply by entering. All of them encourage me. All of them inspire me and make me want to be a better woman. All of them are family.

To best friends who have made my life more rich and with whom my love is endless (even the ones not present that weekend in Dallas), to new friends who encourage me beyond words, to old friends who I love more each day as we journey through life's ups and downs together and to an incredible group of people whose love for others knows no boundary, thank you for simply being who God has created you to be. I can wholeheartedly say, I am a better person simply by knowing you!

I thank my God every time I remember you. Philippians 1:3

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